Spiritual Birth

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Birth is a mystical miracle and affords humans a period of transcendence and empowerment when it is truly honoured. I am South African professional nurse and midwife, childbirth educator, doula and maternity nurse. I support and accompany mothers who want to be autonomous on their physical and spiritual journey from pre-conception, through pregnancy, birth, the postnatal period and early parenting.

My true education began when I started attending homebirths with women thirty five years ago. I have an Honours Degree in Psychology and am particularly interested in the pre and perinatal period around birth. A published co-author in the International Journal of Infant Mental Health, I have also conducted research in the fields of Kangaroo Mother Care, Postnatal Depression and Attachment Parenting and write articles for parenting and health publications.

I am an Aware Parenting consultant and maternity nurse and love babies and children. How babies and young children absorb information and the care and love they need to develop into loving sociable human beings is core in my approach. I focus on calm connection and communication with both parents, babies and children.

I live in the UK and South Africa, supporting women in both continents on their special birth and parenting journeys in person or via skype, through workshops, seminars and mentoring.


Women need to prepare for natural birth in every aspect of their lives, including the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical areas of their being. A woman deserves the right to choose her companions as well as where and how she will give birth to her child.

Pregnancy and birth are normal life events for most women. To this end, interventions should be kept to a minimum wherever possible. A baby who is born gently and welcomed by warm, caring parents receives the best possible start in life.

Women who are well prepared in their minds, bodies and spirits can experience birth as a profoundly moving and empowering event.


590 Dr. Chota Motala Road, Raisethorpe, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
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